Ideal Work day/week

I have been working seven days a week for many years, so it is just something that I do. During the school year, we have four school days and three non-school days per week. In summer, I kind of maintain the same schedule of working in the mornings with my afternoons mostly free for family time.

School Days

04:00 Rise and shine. Make the coffee and read.
04:45 Work on primary task
06:15 Kids up and to school.
07:45 Work on primary task.
10:45 Break for exercise and thinking about a problem.
12:15 Read technical blogs. Learn something cool.
13:15 Back to work.
15:15 Pick up the children and family time.
18:00 Wrap up loose ends, and set goals for tomorrow.
19:00 Done for the day.

Non-School Days

04:00 Rise and shine. Make the coffee and read.
04:45 Work on primary task
07:45 Read technical blogs. Learn something cool. Try something new.
09:45 Family time.
18:00 Wrap up loose ends, and set goals for tomorrow.
19:00 Done for the day.